Imagination Village

Family Activity Center

in Snow Hill, Maryland

Looking for a fun, family friendly place to go on DelMarVa? Visit the Imagination Village in Snow Hill! We feature a complete children's play village, designed with 1 to 8 year old children in mind. We also have a Family Activity Room where adults and older siblings can hang out.... playing family games, doing crafts, reading, and much more.
See some of our attractions below.

NOTE: We will be CLOSED on the following dates and times for private parties:
Saturday, February 15th until 12:30 pm.
Monday, February 17th until 12:30 pm.

Imagination Village Play Area

Grocery Store


50's Diner

Wellness Center Area

Home Sweet Home

Fishing Dock

Infant Play Area


Construction Zone

Family Activity Room

Comfortable seating. Games, Puzzles, Crafts, Phone chargers. Coffee.  And more!

Activity room seating


Children's Quiet Corner

Lots of Games & Puzzles


Craft activities

imagination video long with sound.mp4